Friday, September 19, 2008


Everybody has heard about "those guys" before.

"My sister knew someone from college that just bought new underwear so he wouldn't have to do his laundry."

As of yesterday, I have become one of "those guys"


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Samuel Adams

Steve, Thunder, and I taste-tested these a couple days ago. We rated them. The left-most is the best and the ones at the right are not as good.
From left to right:
1. Honey Porter
2. Irish Red
3. Brown Ale
4. Black Ale
5. Summer Ale
6. Hefeweizen
7. Pale Ale
8. Bostom Lager
9. Samuel Adams Light
10. Scotch Ale

Monday, September 8, 2008

A New Era

Hey Nightlife,

Your captains have been hard at work. UCI ultimate will never be the same again.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Throwing by yourself

For sale: V-moda bass freq $20

I bought an extra pair of these at costco. Please buy them from me! They're nice because they fit snuggly in your ear and don't fall out when you're running. Apparently they won a CNET editor's choice award for the bass they bring. yum.........bass

  • BLUE Headphones
  • thing to wrap the wires (boomarang thing)
  • ultra-soft fittings in three sizes (S,M,L) optimal for sport and relaxation
  • Pouch for headphones (not-pictured)