Monday, December 22, 2008

Do I know you from somewhere?

So with all my free time over the break, I've been watching a lot of TV. I was flipping through and I stopped on MTV's "Parental Control".

Hey. Don't judge. It's horribly scripted but it can be funny at times. So on this show your parents pick someone for you to go on a date with. So this black girl's parents interview a slew of guys. All the guys they interview are black.

Except one. There's a white guy named Jesse. Deep down inside I'm rooting for this guy. I'm a huge proponent of interacial relationships. Firstly, interacial relationships result in good-looking babies (you know....roeder, allen..). Secondly, I'm all about being an equal opportunity lover.

But does this guy really have a chance? This guy has blonde hair and is the surfer type. He also has a scar under his eye. Wait, I've seen this guy before.

Where would I know a lot of white people from? Not in Irvine of course. Well, I play ultimate and a lot of white people play that. I play at Long Beach...YES..I've played pickup with this guy!

I got all excited thinking, "Oh yeah, I'm cool. I know that guy in real life". It's just too bad that MTV probably cut out the part where Jesse says, "I'm athletic and I play on the Ultimate Frisbee club team at Long Beach."

Ultimate loses again.

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